Rates 💵
Rate Sheets
Our Park offers 7 different Discounts/Coupons in total.
Coupons can only be applied to Reservation Rate charges.
Only 1 Coupon may be applied to a Rate Charge at a single time.
Coupons may not be applied to Extended Stay Reservations.
If you end up extending your Daily or Weekly Reservation with an applied Coupon into an Extended Stay Reservation, your Coupon will be removed from your Reservation & you will be required to pay the new total.
A total of 4 out of the 7 Coupons are ‘self-redeemable’ via the selectable drop-down ‘Discounts’ menu on our Online Reservation Portal on the checkout screen. You will also need to enter your Discount’s ‘Discount Code’, which can be found here in this article just below.
If you self-redeem a Discount, we will ask for proof of claim at Check-In.
The 4 'self-redeemable’ Discounts/Coupons are:
-5%: Senior Discount (Aged 65+ Only)
Enter Code: SENIOR at checkout.
-5%: U.S. Military Discount (Active & Past Duty U.S. Military Only)
Enter Code: MILITARY at checkout.
-5%: Police Officer Discount (Active & Past Duty Police Officers Only)
Enter Code: POLICE at checkout.
-8%: Small Group Discount (2-4 Sites in your Group Only)
Enter Code: SMALLGROUP at checkout.
A total of 3 out of the 7 Discounts are ‘Staff-Enabled Only Group Discounts’.
Two of these Three Discounts will get ‘auto-redeemed’ via the Online Reservation Portal if you book using a Group Code received from your Wagon Master.
Enter your distributed Group Code into the ‘Group Code’ box on the Online Reservation Portal when you’re making your initial search for availability.
Important Note: Group Holds are placed for what we call ‘the largest swath’ of dates your Group could potentially be coming in on. So, YOU must give your own personal Reservation’s expected Arrival & Departure Dates when booking your Group Reservation via the Online Reservation Portal. Your own personal Arrival & Departure Dates could differ from another Group Member’s.
A Staff Member must first manually set your Group Holds & give your Wagon Master the Group Code in order for the Group Code to become active. The Wagon Master is then responsible for further distributing the Group Code to all the Regular Group Members to use.
The 3 ‘Staff-Enabled’ Discounts/Coupons are:
-10%: Medium Group Discount (5-9 Sites in your Group Only)
-12%: Large Group Discount (10+ Sites in your Group Only)
-20%: 2025 ‘Welcome To The Camping Community’ Paper Coupon (Found At Participating RV Dealerships Only)
How Refunds For Early Departures/Reducing Your Length Of Stay Are Given BEFORE OR ON Your Reservation’s Scheduled Arrival Date Vs. AFTER Your Reservation’s Scheduled Arrival Date
Early Departure is reducing your length of stay AFTER your Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date.
Reducing Your Length Of Stay is reducing your length of stay BEFORE OR ON your Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date.
Both of the above scenarios are distinct from one another and different formulas are used to determine if a Refund is warranted.
For Early Departures (AFTER your Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date):
If you are DAILY Rated, we will Refund back to you 50% of your unstayed Nights’ cost.
If you are MONO-WEEKLY Rated, first, your Reservation will be reclassified+Re-Rated so as to match the number of Nights you actually stayed for in lieu of your Early Departure. Second, after you have been reclassified+Re-Rated, any excess payments we have on your Reservation, we will Refund back to you. If you owe us more money upon reclassification+Re-Rating, there will be no Refund and you will not have to pay us more for leaving.
If you are BI-WEEKLY Rated, first, your Reservation will be reclassified+Re-Rated so as to match the number of Nights you actually stayed for in lieu of your Early Departure. Second, after you have been reclassified+Re-Rated, any excess payments we have on your Reservation, we will Refund back to you. If you owe us more money upon reclassification+Re-Rating, there will be no Refund and you will not have to pay us more for leaving.
If you are TRI-WEEKLY Rated, first, your Reservation will be reclassified+Re-Rated so as to match the number of Nights you actually stayed for in lieu of your Early Departure. Second, after you have been reclassified+Re-Rated, any excess payments we have on your Reservation, we will Refund back to you. If you owe us more money upon reclassification+Re-Rating, there will be no Refund and you will not have to pay us more for leaving.
If you are MONTHLY Rated AND have not yet reached the entirety of your first FULL month(either 28, 30, or 31 nights in length depending on the Month of your scheduled Arrival Date), your Reservation will be reclassified+Re-Rated so as to match the number of Nights you actually stayed for in lieu of your Early Departure. We will use your Mandatory ESCS Early Departure Coverage or Final Charge(s) Coverage Safeguard Security Deposit and/or your Mandatory Final Site Metered Electric Charge Security Deposit to cover the increased Base Rate charge you may have incurred by re-classifying your Reservation by leaving early. Also, after you have been reclassified+Re-Rated, any excess payments we have on your Reservation, we will Refund back to you. If you owe us more money upon reclassification+Re-Rating, there will be no Refund and you will not have to pay us more for leaving.
If you are MONTHLY Rated AND you have reached the entirety of your first FULL month(either 28, 30, or 31 nights in length depending on the Month of your scheduled Arrival Date), we will Refund you a Prorated amount from your concurrent Month’s Payment(if you have already paid this and thus had overpaid), this Refund will be based off your total number of unstayed Nights for your concurrent Month’s billing period.
If you are SEASONAL Rated, we will revert your Reservation back to being MONTHLY Rated going from your most recently billed 1-Year billing cycle(Anniversary Date to your Early Departure Date). The months of November to April are considered ‘0% value’ in the total value of the Seasonal Rate. Consequently, once you Early Depart as a Seasonal; you do lose your SEASONAL Rating, thus any date(s) you ‘stayed’ for from November to April will then be re-billed to your Reservation at our Equipment Storage Rate for RVs instead of the MONTHLY Rate for those date(s). The months May to October are then consequently billed at the MONTHLY Rate for your Site Type.
For Reducing Your Length Of Stay (BEFORE OR ON your Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date):
Any Classification(be it DAILY, MONO-WEEKLY, BI-WEEKLY, TRI-WEEKLY, OR Extended Stay), we will adjust your Rate as necessary & give you a Refund for any overpayments on your Reservation.
How Extensions/Increasing Your Length Of Stay Are Handled BEFORE OR ON Your Reservation’s Scheduled Arrival Date Vs. How They’re Handled AFTER Your Reservation’s Scheduled Arrival Date
Extension is increasing your length of stay AFTER your Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date.
Increasing Your Length Of Stay is increasing your length of stay BEFORE OR ON your Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date.
Both of the above scenarios are distinct from one another and different formulas are used to determine the given Rate for the newly added Nights.
For Extensions (AFTER your Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date):
If you’re Extending from a concurrent DAILY Rated Reservation, there are 3 options:
#1: All newly added Nights can be charged the DAILY Rate henceforth to the Nightly Maximum permitted for your site. Reclassification to a new Rate, or any type of ‘back-rating’ is not permitted.
#2: You can book as a New Reservation resetting your Night counter to 0 and look to qualify for a new Rate from that point.
#3: You can book a New Reservation as an Extended Stay.
If you’re Extending from a concurrent MONO-WEEKLY Rated Reservation, there are 3 options:
#1: All newly added Nights can be charged the ‘Nightly’ MONO-WEEKLY Rate henceforth to the Nightly Maximum permitted for your site. Reclassification to a new Rate, or any type of ‘back-rating’ is not permitted.
#2: You can book as a New Reservation resetting your Night counter to 0 and look to qualify for a new Rate from that point.
#3: You can book a New Reservation as an Extended Stay.
If you’re Extending from a concurrent BI-WEEKLY Rated Reservation, there are 3 options:
#1: All newly added Nights can be charged the ‘Nightly’ BI-WEEKLY Rate henceforth to the Nightly Maximum permitted for your site. Reclassification to a new Rate, or any type of ‘back-rating’ is not permitted.
#2: You can book as a New Reservation resetting your Night counter to 0 and look to qualify for a new Rate from that point.
#3: You can book a New Reservation as an Extended Stay.
If you’re Extending from a concurrent TRI-WEEKLY Rated Reservation, there are 3 options:
#1: All newly added Nights can be charged the ‘Nightly’ TRI-WEEKLY Rate henceforth to the Nightly Maximum permitted for your site. Reclassification to a new Rate, or any type of ‘back-rating’ is not permitted.
#2: You can book as a New Reservation resetting your Night counter to 0 and look to qualify for a new Rate from that point.
#3: You can book a New Reservation as an Extended Stay.
For Increasing Your Length Of Stay (BEFORE OR ON your Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date):
Any Classification(be it DAILY, MONO-WEEKLY, BI-WEEKLY, TRI-WEEKLY, OR Extended Stay, we will adjust your Rate as necessary & give you a Refund for any overpayments on your Reservation.
Site Number changes are permitted on a case-by-case basis.
We reserve the right to change/move the site of a Guest for any reason at any time. To learn more, read our Site Number ‘Guarantee’ Disclaimer article.
If a Guest requests to have their Site Number changed on their own advisory, we can look to accommodate. But do expect any necessary Re-Rating to ‘new & updated pricing’ where applicable since this action does qualify as an original price guarantee void.
The Savings Advantages Of Booking Exactly 7-Nights, 14-Nights, or 21-Nights
For maximum savings, we recommend Guests book their Weekly Reservations for the exact Nights of either 7-Nights, 14-Nights, or 21-Nights(the MONO-WEEKLY, BI-WEEKLY, & TRI-WEEKLY Rates, respectively).
This is because we do Prorate our Rates. So booking closer to those numerical thresholds, but not quite reaching them, will end up costing you more than if you had met that extra 1 or 2 Night threshold, thus moving your classification to that lower Effective Nightly Rate.
With this in mind, we do recommend that you also read & review our “How Extensions/Increasing Your Length Of Stay Are Handled BEFORE OR ON Your Reservation’s Scheduled Arrival Date Vs. How They’re Handled AFTER Your Reservation’s Scheduled Arrival Date” article and our ”How Refunds For Early Departures/Reducing Your Length Of Stay Are Given BEFORE OR ON Your Reservation’s Scheduled Arrival Date Vs. AFTER Your Reservation’s Scheduled Arrival Date” article.
Because ultimately, it’s always better for you to prepare your Reservation BEFORE your scheduled Arrival Date, than it is for you to ‘play-it-by-year’ and ‘extend or leave early’ as you go along AFTER your scheduled Arrival Date.
With all of this said, all of this information would also apply if you ended up doing an Early Departure if you booked as an Extended Stay Reservation and did not reach your first Full Month. Since then, we would have the funds via your Mandatory ESCS Early Departure Coverage or Final Charge(s) Coverage Safeguard Security Deposit to fulfill your reclassification+Re-Rating up-charges on your Reservation upon you doing an Early Departure.
The recommendations outlined in this article would also apply to the reclassification+re-rating which is associated with doing an Early Departure.
So, it would be ideal for you to keep track of your Night-Count whilst if you are thinking of doing an Early Departure; so that you are not surprised if your billing becomes drastically changed upon Early Departing, especially for those who booked Extended Stay and did not reach their first Full Month, thus not qualifying for the MONTHLY Rate.
Rate Breakdowns
Site Rates
The Weekday/Weekend/Holiday DAILY Rates are set by an Administrator.
The Off-Season DAILY Rates are -$2.40 less than the In-Season Weekday Rates.
The MONO-WEEKLY Rates are the Weekday DAILY Rates multiplied by 6 (it's like giving 1-Night for Free: "Stay 6-Nights, get the 7th Night Free!").
The BI-WEEKLY Rates are the Median of MONTHLY Rates & the MONO-WEEKLY Rates, rounded down.
The TRI-WEEKLY Rates are the Median of MONTHLY Rates & the BI-WEEKLY Rates, rounded down.
The MONTHLY Rates are set by an Administrator.
The SZNL Rates are just the MONTHLY Rates multiplied by 6.
Occupancy Surcharges
The DAILY Occupancy Surcharges are set by an Administrator.
The HOLIDAY DAILY Occupancy Surcharges are the DAILY Occupancy Surcharges increased by +$2.00.
The MONO-WEEKLY Occupancy Surcharges are the DAILY Surcharges multiplied by 6 (it's like giving 1-Night for Free: "Stay 6-Nights, get the 7th Night Free!").
The BI-WEEKLY Occupancy Surcharges are the Median of the MONTHLY Occupancy Surcharges & the MONO-WEEKLY Occupancy Surcharges, rounded down.
The TRI-WEEKLY Occupancy Surcharges are the Median of the MONTHLY Occupancy Surcharges & the BI-WEEKLY Occupancy Surcharges, rounded down.
The MONTHLY Occupancy Surcharges are set by an Administrator.
The SZNL Occupancy Surcharges are the MONTHLY Surcharges multiplied by 6.
The Overnight Visitors cost the exact same as the Base Occupancy Surcharges.
The Day Visitor cost is set by an Administrator at $5 /per Person.
The HOLIDAY Day Visitor cost is +$1 more than non-HOLIDAY.
Security Deposits
The Mandatory ESCS Early Departure Coverage or Final Charge(s) Coverage Safeguard Security Deposit is the campsite’s In-Season TRI-WEEKLY Effective Nightly Rate @31-Nights MINUS the campsite’s MONTHLY Rate.
The Mandatory Final Site Metered Electric Charge Security Deposit is set by an Administrator inspired by an industry-standard typical high-end safe estimate of an average but totally-typical Monthly Site Metered Electric Charge.
The Optional Site Deck Removal Security Deposit(Mandatory w/ All Site Decks) is set by an Administrator inspired by local labor pricing.
My Rate Appears Higher?
If your Rate appears higher than what you expected it to be, this is because you have Occupancy Surcharges.
If you have Base Occupancy Surcharges above the included for Free 2 Adults, 1 Child, & 1 Pet; your Rate will show as higher than the expected listed Rate on your invoice/billing.
This is all because your Base Occupancy+Pet Surcharges you incur are factored into your Rate with our Reservation System; they're NOT listed as separate 'Surcharges' on your invoice.
Let us repeat that: any Base Occupancy+Pet Surcharges you incur GO INTO YOUR RATE, NOT SEPARATE FROM IT.
So, please be aware of this distinction when you are looking at your billing. So you are not confused!