Frequently Asked Questions 📋
To read the answer to a question, just click on it to expand its text box.
Do your campsites have cable?
No. None of our sites at our campground have cable.
Can we stop in and use your Sewer Dump Station for our RV even though we don't have a Reservation?
Yes. There is a $15.00 charge for Non-Reservation use, though. Those with a Reservation may use it for free.
Do you do Tent Camping?
Do you have Cabins?
Can I come live on your campground?
Concerning the topic of ‘living’ at White Oak:
It depends on how you’re defining the word ‘live’. We are available to be, at most, a semi-permanent living arrangement for certain people, NEVER a permanent living residence option for anyone. Let us repeat that: our campground, as RV Park, has the capability to be a form of what we call, a ‘semi-permanent living arrangement’ for what could be a certain sub-set of people within their own reasonable scenarios. The most common acceptable examples we see of this are: couples seeking interim housing in between building their new home, travel nurses, out-of-state pipeline workers, as well as, other travelling professionals, and of course; the typical full-time RVer seeking a quiet & chill spot to wind-down for their period of time. To put this all in other terms, in a more blunt fashion: we would not advise you to seek to book with us if your intent is to ‘live and die’ on this campground. That specific scenario would require a different mode of action by you with other appropriate services out there; such as a properly licensed Mobile Home Park, etc. Our campground is NOT a permanent living residence for anyone. That being said, we are an acceptable option for a semi-permanent living arrangement for certain people in certain scenarios. You don’t need to fully expound to us your own specific scenario, unless we were to ask you for it, because we had probable cause to investigate the fact that you’re trying to ‘live and die’ here. So, although there’s not an officially enforced ‘maximum’ length-of-stay for any of our Monthly(or Seasonal) Reservations, if we begin to suspect that you are using our Park as your permanent living residence, and not merely your semi-permanent one, we will unhesitantly move to Mandatorily Cancel Your Reservation with us, and then proceed to Fully Block your Guest Profile from booking future Reservations with us. You can receive packages via our mailing address. As well as the occasional letter, however when it comes specifically to letters(not as much so with packages these days), as more and more of them come in in your name, and over an extended period of time, our probable cause of Mandatorily Cancelling Your Reservation with us due to a suspected attempt to ‘live and die’ here, goes way up.
How many Sites are on your campground?
We have a total of 190 campsites on our Campground.
Do you allow Dogs?
1 Pet is included in the Base Rate.
Extra Pets are charged.
We allow a maximum of 3 Pets. Please clean up after your Dog & keep them on a leash at all times when outside your RV.
Do not leave Dogs unattended.
3 Dog Breeds(including any mixes thereof) Not Permitted:
American Pit Bull Terrier, Doberman Pinscher, & Rottweiler.
What is a 'Buddy Site'?
A 'Buddy Site' simply means 1 thing: You will likely face the campers on the site next to you when you put your awning out. It's best to come ready to make some friends or collaborate with your Group Members to book another one next to each other. However, if you do bring a long enough extension cord+piping for your hook-ups, you could easily flip your RV to face the other direction if you did not want to face the campers next to you.
'Buddy Site' does not mean you get to fit two RVs on that single site.
It also does not mean you get two sites, you need to book each of the two Buddy Sites separately!
Do you do RV Storage at your Park?
Yes. Seasonals have 'free' RV Storage in the Winter, and we also do it for non-Seasonals on a manual managerial-approved basis. For more information on the latter, click here.
Can our Group use your Rec Hall?
Yes. For more information on this, please contact us.
What are your Check-In & Check-Out times?
The 4 potential statuses of ‘Not Checked-In’, ‘Checked-In’, ‘Checked-Out’, and ‘No Show’ may be attributed to a Reservation for purely titular purposes.
At our Park, a Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date is its de facto final date wherein certain adjustments/changes may be made to a Reservation without triggering ‘stricter’ alternative policies related to Reservation Edits. These certain adjustments/changes may include(but are not limited to):
#1: “Reducing Your Length of Stay”.
See our Article: “How Refunds For Early Departures/Reducing Your Length Of Stay Are Given BEFORE Your Arrival Date Vs. AFTER Your Arrival Date” for more information.
#2: “Increasing Your Length of Stay”.
See our Article: “How Extensions/Increasing Your Length Of Stay Are Handled BEFORE Your Arrival Date Vs. How They’re Handled AFTER Your Arrival Date” for more information.
#3: Cancelling Your Reservation.
See our Article: “Cancellation+Refund Policies” for more information.
Check-In time is at 1 PM on the day of your Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date.
But, Guests may arrive up to 1-Hour early(12 PM) without issue. Meaning without any additional fees, conflicts, or pre-approvals.
However, arrivals before 12 PM need to be pre-approved & charged the Half-Day Rate beforehand. Once you are cleared for an official Early Arrival, you may arrive as soon as 8 AM that day.
A Guest may arrive any time after 1 PM as well.
If the Camp Store is closed when you arrive, you may proceed directly to your campsite and get set up. Make sure to Check-In in at the Camp Store at your soonest available opportunity.
Late Arrivals happening between the hours of 9 PM to 8 AM(the Quiet Hours) are forbidden!
If you, unfortunately, arrive at the Park between this time frame, DO NOT GO TO YOUR SITE & SETUP. Please, instead, park your rig & vehicles just overnight in one of our P-Section sites by the Main Entrance. Choose any vacant site. Once it is morning at 8 AM, you may then proceed into the Park to access your regularly chosen site. Thank you for not disrupting our quiet & peaceful Campground.
Check-Out time is at 10 AM on the day of your Reservation’s scheduled Departure Date.
But, Guests may depart up to 1-Hour late(11 AM) without issue. Meaning without any additional fees, conflicts, or pre-approvals.
However, departures after 11 AM need to be pre-approved & charged the Half-Day Rate beforehand. Once you are cleared for an official Late Departure, you may depart as late as 9 PM that day.
A Guest may depart any time between 8 AM to 10 AM, as well. A Guest should not depart anytime before 8 AM on their scheduled Departure Date, simply because that would violate our Park’s Quiet Hours. So that is discouraged.
A Guest does not need to Check-Out inside the Camp Store, they are free to just depart without face-to-face notification.
The Half-Day Rate for doing an Early Arrival is $12. (4 Extra Paid Hours)
The Half-Day Rate for doing a Late Departure is $30. (10 Extra Paid Hours)
To do both an Early Arrival & Late Departure is $42 together. (14 Extra Hours)
Cancelling an Early Arrival and/or a Late Departure will merit the same kind of Refund as in accordance with the 6 Cancellation Policies in our Cancellation+Refund Policies Article.
If a Reservation’s Primary Occupant does not show up/’Check-In’ on its scheduled Arrival Date, the Reservation will be marked as a ‘No Show’.
A Reservation marked as a ‘No Show’ will be treated as a Reservation that has been “Checked-In” for the sake of all intensive purposes, even though both these terms have already been identified as titular signifiers, nonetheless, we reiterate: At our Park, a Reservation’s scheduled Arrival Date is its de facto final date wherein certain adjustments/changes may be made to a Reservation without triggering ‘stricter’ alternative policies related to Reservation Edits.
Essentially, if you do book a Reservation with us, and you do not show up while also failing to communicate with us, we will honor/treat your Reservation as if everything is going according to plan as you booked it… Perhaps you’re coming 1 day late and never bothered to let us know? Fine by us. All the trappings of post-Arrival Date “Reservation Edit” become effective if you reach out to us past that point making edits to your Reservation.
Meaning: we won’t cancel it, nor will we fill your vacant campsite while you’re not on it.
Consequently, the campsite is still reserved in your name and paid for in your name, so we will be acting as if you have booked the campsite, but ultimately never intended to use it as we would normally expect from someone dealing with us.
Do you have a Basketball Court?
Do you have Free Wi-Fi?
How do I access the Wi-Fi Network?
Join our network: "WhiteOakCampgroundWiFi" then wait for the pop-up screen or attempt to load a webpage to get the splash welcome screen. Then use the Access Code: "camper".
Is there a Dog Park for walking dogs?
Kind of! Please us our Nature Trail as a spot to walk your pups. Just be careful & check for any ticks afterwards!
Do you rent Golf Carts?
Can I bring my own Golf Cart?
Yes. However, you need to first email a copy of your driver's license & insurance card before you may begin using it.
Can we have visitors?
Yes. Please read both our Day Vistors & Overnight Visitors Articles for more information.
Do you sell firewood?
Yes, in our Camp Store.
Please don't bring your own firewood, it's bad for the ecosystem. Unless it's from the State of Pennsylvania, then it's ok.
Do you sell ice?
Yes, in our Camp Store.
Can we have a fire on our site?
Yes, just keep it under control and never let it unattended. Only one fire ring per site. We do not permit stacking them up.
Can we come in and use your Pool without making a Reservation?
Do you fill propane tanks at your campground?
No. Click here to see local options.
Can we come in a little sooner or stay a little longer than Check-In or Check-Out times?
So long as no one is on the site before you or no one is coming in on the site right after you. You have a grace period of 1-Hour for both, where no extra charges will incur. If you go over that 1-Hour grace period we must charge a small fee.
Can we have more than one RV on our Site?
Maximum amount of all combined Equipment Allowed per 1 campsite(please note that the Campground reserves the right to approve all items and can create different rules as necessary):
(x1) RV(Site permitting)
(x1) Tent(Site permitting)
(x1) Vehicle not the RV
(x1) Screen Room/Screen Tent/’E-Z’ Up
(x1) Outdoor Storage Box (See our Monthly or Seasonal RV Site Reservations Article for more information)
(x1) Outdoor Table
(x6) Outdoor Chairs
(x6) Lawn Ornaments
(x2) 100-Gallon Propane Tanks
(x1) Fire Ring(Campground Provided Only)
(x1) Picnic Table(Campground Provided Only)
What is the earliest time I can come in by when I do an Early Arrival?
If you properly apply ahead of time & pay your Half-Day Charge/Rate for the Early Arrival; you can come into your site as early as 8 AM that day.
What is the latest time I need to leave my site by if I do a Late Departure?
If you properly apply ahead of time & pay your Half-Day Charge/Rate for the Late Departure; you can leave your site as late as 9 PM that day.
How many people can we have on our site?
Once quiet hours take effect (9 PM - 8 AM) then Base Occupancy Policy applies, which can be read by clicking here.
Guests may freely socialize between sites beforehand.
Do you have a dump station if we only take a site with electric & water?
Yes, and it will be free of charge for you to use.
Is there a Fire Ring & Picnic Table on every site?
Is there an auction next door?
Not any more. They moved to the Flower & Craft Warehouse in Blue Ball, PA.
Can I leave my RV on one of your sites for 1-3 days while I'm gone doing something else?
Not really. We could allow something like this on a case-by-case basis & charge you the RV Storage Rate on those 1-3 days you are gone, but RV Storage Reservations do require managerial approval, and these types of scenarios are typically fast-moving and fleeting enough so that getting a manager involved in what you're trying to do within a couple of hours of you walking in and notifying someone in the Camp Store is just not at all likely.
We could also just charge you the regular Daily Rate for those days, which would be more realistic, but also probably not worth it for you.
Can we allow someone to come and stay in our camper if we are not there?
No, we do not allow subleasing.
Do you have discounts?
Our Park offers 7 different Discounts/Coupons in total.
Coupons can only be applied to Reservation Rate charges.
Only 1 Coupon may be applied to a Rate Charge at a single time.
Coupons may not be applied to Extended Stay Reservations.
If you end up extending your Daily or Weekly Reservation with an applied Coupon into an Extended Stay Reservation, your Coupon will be removed from your Reservation & you will be required to pay the new total.
A total of 4 out of the 7 Coupons are ‘self-redeemable’ via the selectable drop-down ‘Discounts’ menu on our Online Reservation Portal on the checkout screen. You will also need to enter your Discount’s ‘Discount Code’, which can be found here in this article just below.
If you self-redeem a Discount, we will ask for proof of claim at Check-In.
The 4 'self-redeemable’ Discounts/Coupons are:
-5%: Senior Discount (Aged 65+ Only)
Enter Code: SENIOR at checkout.
-5%: U.S. Military Discount (Active & Past Duty U.S. Military Only)
Enter Code: MILITARY at checkout.
-5%: Police Officer Discount (Active & Past Duty Police Officers Only)
Enter Code: POLICE at checkout.
-8%: Small Group Discount (2-4 Sites in your Group Only)
Enter Code: SMALLGROUP at checkout.
A total of 3 out of the 7 Discounts are ‘Staff-Enabled Only Group Discounts’.
Two of these Three Discounts will get ‘auto-redeemed’ via the Online Reservation Portal if you book using a Group Code received from your Wagon Master.
Enter your distributed Group Code into the ‘Group Code’ box on the Online Reservation Portal when you’re making your initial search for availability.
Important Note: Group Holds are placed for what we call ‘the largest swath’ of dates your Group could potentially be coming in on. So, YOU must give your own personal Reservation’s expected Arrival & Departure Dates when booking your Group Reservation via the Online Reservation Portal. Your own personal Arrival & Departure Dates could differ from another Group Member’s.
A Staff Member must first manually set your Group Holds & give your Wagon Master the Group Code in order for the Group Code to become active. The Wagon Master is then responsible for further distributing the Group Code to all the Regular Group Members to use.
The 3 ‘Staff-Enabled’ Discounts/Coupons are:
-10%: Medium Group Discount (5-9 Sites in your Group Only)
-12%: Large Group Discount (10+ Sites in your Group Only)
-20%: 2025 ‘Welcome To The Camping Community’ Paper Coupon (Found At Participating RV Dealerships Only)