Seasonal RV Site Reservations
We highly recommend reviewing all our Policies & Rules prior to booking!
About Our Seasonal RV Site Reservations
As a reminder per our RV & Vehicle Policies:
All RVs which are not Motorhomes staying at our property MUST be towed-in by the Reservation’s Primary Occupant(the Person whose name the Reservation is under). Meaning, in regards to both cases, the Primary Occupant MUST:
#1: Own their own Tow Vehicle (if they have a non-Motorhome RV), AND
#2: Know how to operate the said Tow Vehicle.
In other words: All RVs which are not Motorhomes staying at our property may NOT, under any circumstance, be towed in via a ‘commercialized’ third-party towing service. AND ipso facto, all RVs which are not Motorhomes MAY ONLY be towed-in by a Tow Vehicle that is 100%(without any exceptions) owned-and-operated by the overnight Guest.
If you are interested in becoming a Seasonal at our Park, please first understand our difference between a Monthly and a Seasonal.
What's the difference between a Seasonal & a Monthly?
To provide an answer:
Seasonal Reservations at our Campground are classified as a TYPE of Extended Stay Reservation(within the same ‘umbrella’ term known as ‘Extended Stays’) with what we call different benefits & restrictions. These benefits and restrictions may be seen differently depending on the person booking.
For example, a Seasonal is NOT an upgraded version of a Monthly, NOR is a Monthly a ‘downgraded’ version of a Seasonal.
The two of them are just different but pretty much identical things that accomplish different things for different people.
Meaning, there’s not a ‘cheaper’ option between the two. Both are situational based on a Guest’s needs.
What are the situational benefits & restrictions of a Seasonal?
The SEASONAL Rate is just the MONTHLY Rate multiplied by 6. The Seasonal billing cycle goes for 12-Months at a time, compared to the Monthly which only goes for 1-Month at a time.
So for a Seasonal, what’s really your other 6-Months out of the year(that is not your In-Season Months), we let you keep your RV on your campsite for ‘free’ for RV Storage purposes.
Those other 6-Months which are not the In-Season months are considered the Off-Season months, where your campsite will not have Water anyways, and you’re forbidden from occupying your site during this time.
So the Seasonal Reservation for half of the Year acts as a purely ‘free’ RV Storage solution.
This is because the value of the SEASONAL Rate in terms of its 12-Month billing cycle, is considered 100% in the months of May through October, and 0% value considered in the months of November through April.
However, oftentimes we do let our Seasonals start occupying their RV sometime in the month of April. So actually, you tend to get about 1-Month to Half-A-Month free each Year depending on the springtime weather cooperation.
What classifies as ‘In-Season’ for Seasonals & what classifies as ‘Off-Season’ for Seasonals?
In-Season For Seasonals = May 1st through October 31st.
Off-Season For Seasonals = November 1st through April 30th.
Seasonals may leave their RVs on their campsite full-time (12-Months out of the year).
However, Seasonals may not under any circumstance occupy their RVs during the Off-Season.
These Reservations are NOT intended for permanent living. Water will be turned off during the Winter. You should stay as a Monthly if you want to be doing Winter Camping.
The reason for this is: that although there will be active electricity & sewer on your site, the water will be fully switched off for all Seasonal sites in the Winter, making inhabitation nearly impossible.
If you were to empty your black water tank while the water was switched off in the Winter, the solid waste remnants could not fully be washed down our sewer pipes due to the lack of flowing water, potentially causing severe pipe clogging in underground pipes.
Seasonal Reservation billing cycles go for 1-Year at a time; where the Anniversary Date is the renewal date every year when the next billing cycle will take place.
Anniversary Date = The date your Seasonal Reservation began. It's also the date when you’ll begin your next billing cycle.
How do I book a New Seasonal Reservation?
All New Seasonal Reservations must first start off by booking Monthly.
Not every Monthly would want to roll their Reservation over into Seasonal status if they are planning to stay with us during the Off-Season dates. In that situation, the person would not want to roll over to Seasonal status & instead just remain as Monthly status.
Seasonal Reservations are NOT capable of being booked Online, Over-The-Phone, or in the Camp Store.
They are strictly Monthly Reservations that have been 'grandfathered-in' through a manual process.
If you want to be a Seasonal, you need to begin the journey to become one by first booking a Monthly Reservation Online, Over-The-Phone, or in the Camp Store.
Once a Monthly wishes to roll over into Seasonal status, their Monthly Reservation will be updated, and they will be given a brand new status as a New Seasonal Reservation.
What qualifications do I need in order to roll my Monthly Reservation into a New Seasonal Reservation?
In order to roll your Monthly Reservation into a New Seasonal Reservation, you need to have the following 3 qualifications met:
#1: You are currently Checked-Into the Park with a Monthly status Reservation at the time of requesting to roll into a New Seasonal Reservation.
#2: You need to have been at the Monthly status for at least 2 consecutive months at a time.
The 2 consecutive months do not need to be all on the same Site Type.
The 2 consecutive months do not need to be all on the same Site Number.
#3: You need to have received managerial approval for rolling your Reservation into Seasonal status.
Depending on availability, you may be able to stay on your current Site Number once you roll into Seasonal status.
Or, management MAY give you a new Site Number, or present you with Seasonal Site Number options to choose from.
Why do I need to waste my money as a Monthly for 2 months when I know I just want to be Seasonal right now?
There are 2 parts to the answer to this question:
#1: The first part is that we need to evaluate you and your behavior while you have been living with us at the Park for a substantial period of time before we go ahead and onboard you as a Seasonal at our Park. Our Seasonal Guests are a reflection of our campground’s character; so we like to ensure that all our Seasonals are good people. This elongated ‘trial period’ allows us to see who is elect for the status of a Seasonal.
#2: The second part is that it’s actually not at all wasting your money if you think about it. Deeply considered, the SEASONAL Rate is only the MONTHLY Rate multiplied by 6. So the 2 months that you stayed with us while you were of Monthly status and thus paying Monthly, you were in fact paying the exact same amount ‘price-wise’ as if you had come on immediately as a Seasonal. The only ‘catch’ to this is that, this action does require AT MINIMUM a 14-month commitment from you. NOT a 12-month commitment. This is to ensure that Seasonals at our Park intend to stay Seasonals for a substantial period of time, rather than coming in as a Seasonal for simply 1-year, and then leaving. That type of scenario the Guest should just look to stay Monthly and then book a separate RV Storage Reservation for the time period in the Winter they were looking to store their rig for. Then proceed to leave as planned the following year.
How Are Seasonal Reservations Paid?
There are two options to choose from when paying your SEASONAL Rate.
#1: Pay-In-Full(A.K.A. PIF for short):
Seasonals can choose to pay for their campsite’s Base Rate in full. This is for a 1-Year billing cycle. Choosing to Pay-In-Full has the benefit of being able to ‘lock in’ your Base Rate from potential pricing changes if the Campground were to update the SEASONAL Rate mid-billing cycle, to a higher Rate. More information on this topic is explained in the FMFLFP section below. This theoretical mid-billing cycle Rate change would be propagated Campground-wide, so it would be wrong to interpret this as a form of ‘selective’ Rate changes to select Reservations. All Seasonal Reservations at our Campground are billed the same Rate in accordance with their Site Type.
#2: Four Month Front-Loaded Financing Plan(A.K.A. the FMFLFP for short):
Exclusively offered just to Seasonal Reservations, pay for your SEASONAL Rate over the time span of your Reservation’s first Four Months. All Seasonal Reservations have a 1-Year billing cycle. Your Anniversary Date Of Arrival will mark the starting point each Year from where your first Four Months of your Reservation will be decided.
For example, if your Anniversary Date is July 1st, & your SEASONAL Rate is $4,000; we will charge you $1,000 on July 1st, August 1st, September 1st, & finally $1,000 on October 1st. Then, you’ll be all set for the remainder of your 1-Year billing cycle. The following Year near your Anniversary Date, your FMFLFP will restart back up for the next first Four Months of your Reservation’s renewal.
Ungenerated/unissued Installments for those enrolled in the FMFLFP are subject to up-or-down rate changes! Comparatively, those who opt-in to the PIF payment plan receive the benefit of no ‘back-rating’; because they have already ‘locked in’ their Base Rate via making full payment. Additionally, for FMFLFP clients, any already paid past Installments in an FMFLFP billing cycle cannot be ‘back-rated’. Because they have already been paid. FMFLFP Installment Charges are only generated/issued 2 weeks before the Charge’s due date! Up until the time of a Charge’s generation/issuement, an Installment is subject to new pricing changes by the Campground!
If a Guest has any future Reservations booked with us once they roll over into Seasonal status, all their Payments on those Reservations may also be transferred over to their new Seasonal Reservation.
The Mandatory ESCS Early Departure Coverage or Final Charge(s) Coverage Safeguard Security Deposit from a Monthly Reservation may be applied to the Guest’s new SEASONAL Rate. Or also just Refunded back to the Guest.
A Mandatory Final Site Metered Electric Charge Security Deposit is collected with every New Seasonal.
Typically it’s just kept from the previous Monthly Reservation.
Mandatory Final Site Metered Electric Charge Security Deposit Pricing per Site Type:
50 Amp FHU Pull-Through: $140.00
50 Amp FHU Back-In: $140.00
Small 50 Amp FHU Back-In: $125.00
30 Amp FHU Pull-Through: $75.00
30 Amp FHU Back-In: $75.00
Optional Site Deck Removal Security Deposit(Mandatory w/ All Site Decks) Pricing per Site Type:
50 Amp FHU Pull-Through: $200.00
50 Amp FHU Back-In: $200.00
Small 50 Amp FHU Back-In: $200.00
30 Amp FHU Pull-Through: $200.00
30 Amp FHU Back-In: $200.00
What About Electric Meter Readings & Charges?
Extended Stay Reservations, you will receive a billed Site Metered Electric Charge to your Guest Portal payable by its Due Date. With this Charge you will get an Email Notification of the Charge being posted. WE DO NOT OFFER AN AUTOMATIC PAYMENT SERVICE FOR ELECTRIC METER READINGS. The best way for you to pay your Site Metered Electric is manually yourself on our Online Guest Portal once receiving the Charge Notification Email.
Your Anniversary Date Of Arrival is the specific day of the Month (numerical) that you first had your Reservation arrive on. For example, a Reservation with an Arrival Date of May 15th, 2022, would have its Anniversary Date Of Arrival every month on the 15th. June 15th, July 15th, August 15th, etc… for an indefinite amount of time until their Reservation would depart.
The ‘cycles’ for billed Site Metered Electric are for the time periods between each Anniversary Date Of Arrival that you are checked into the Park.
A final Site Metered Electric Charge is also issued on your Departure Date for whatever time period surpassed from that Departure Date to your last Anniversary Date Of Arrival.
Late Payment Fees are charged to the Guest if Charges go Overdue for more than 2 days. Guests should update their On-File outdated or expired Credit Card information themselves by using the Online Guest Portal.
With all of this said, you will need to manually submit your Payment for your Site Metered Electric Charge yourself every month. Charge Notifications that the Charge has been posted to your Guest Portal are sent via Email once your Meter Reading is in. Payments can be made using the Online Guest Portal, or inside the Camp Store during business hours.
The Rate for Site Metered Electric is $0.1169(11.69¢)/ per kilowatt hour. Not having been increased at all from our provider billing.
Reminder that Seasonal Reservations are classified a type of Monthly Reservation & as such, they are billed Site Metered Electric.
Seasonal Pricing Breakdown:
#1: SEASONAL Rate by either PIF or FMFLFP (Can be found on the Rates Page of our Website)
#2: Mandatory Final Site Metered Electric Charge Security Deposit
#3: Optional Site Deck Removal Security Deposit(Mandatory w/ All Site Decks)
#4: Site Metered Electric Charges every Month
How Are Seasonal Reservations Renewed?
Seasonal Reservations are set up to be ‘ongoing’ indefinitely. What this means is, there is no action required by you (other than submitting your Payment for your campsite) to renew your Seasonal Reservation.
Depending on which payment option you chose back when you came on as a New Seasonal, you are in our system indefinitely on your site & we will bill you automatically for your SEASONAL Rate each year.
The renewal charges for your SEASONAL Rate are billed to you every 2 weeks before your Anniversary Date each year. It is at this point where you can see if your SEASONAL Rate had changed (other than checking yourself on our website daily)
The Due Date for your renewal charges(s) is your Anniversary Date for PIF or your Anniversary Date of Arrival each Month for the FMFLFP.
Late Payment Fees will apply to Payments not made in time.
There is also the option to enroll in an Automatic Payment Processing Program for SEASONAL Base Rate billing. If you are interested in this, please notify a Staff Member to be setup.
With all of this said, you will need to manually submit your Payment for your SEASONAL Rate yourself every year if you are not enrolled in the Automatic Payment Processing Program for SEASONAL Base Rate billing. Charge notifications are sent via email or SMS text messaging. Payments can be made using the Online Guest Portal, or inside the Camp Store during business hours.
Extended Stay Reservation Free Visitor Passes
Monthlies: 1 Free Visitor(can be used as Day or Overnight) /per billing cycle
Seasonals: 6 Free Visitors(can be used as Day or Overnight) /per billing cycle
Concerning the topic of ‘living’ at White Oak:
It depends on how you’re defining the word ‘live’. We are available to be, at most, a semi-permanent living arrangement for certain people, NEVER a permanent living residence option for anyone. Let us repeat that: our campground, as RV Park, has the capability to be a form of what we call, a ‘semi-permanent living arrangement’ for what could be a certain sub-set of people within their own reasonable scenarios. The most common acceptable examples we see of this are: couples seeking interim housing in between building their new home, travel nurses, out-of-state pipeline workers, as well as, other travelling professionals, and of course; the typical full-time RVer seeking a quiet & chill spot to wind-down for their period of time. To put this all in other terms, in a more blunt fashion: we would not advise you to seek to book with us if your intent is to ‘live and die’ on this campground. That specific scenario would require a different mode of action by you with other appropriate services out there; such as a properly licensed Mobile Home Park, etc. Our campground is NOT a permanent living residence for anyone. That being said, we are an acceptable option for a semi-permanent living arrangement for certain people in certain scenarios. You don’t need to fully expound to us your own specific scenario, unless we were to ask you for it, because we had probable cause to investigate the fact that you’re trying to ‘live and die’ here. So, although there’s not an officially enforced ‘maximum’ length-of-stay for any of our Monthly(or Seasonal) Reservations, if we begin to suspect that you are using our Park as your permanent living residence, and not merely your semi-permanent one, we will unhesitantly move to Mandatorily Cancel Your Reservation with us, and then proceed to Fully Block your Guest Profile from booking future Reservations with us. You can receive packages via our mailing address. As well as the occasional letter, however when it comes specifically to letters(not as much so with packages these days), as more and more of them come in in your name, and over an extended period of time, our probable cause of Mandatorily Cancelling Your Reservation with us due to a suspected attempt to ‘live and die’ here, goes way up.
It is the responsibility of the Guest to keep their site(s) neat, clean, & free of debris.
Outdoor mats, carpets, chairs, bicycles, and other items must be removed and stored out of the way to make way for mowing and weeding. Items stored under the units must be placed far enough not to impede mowing or weeding at the unit’s perimeter.
Spring clean-up is expected to be completed annually by June 1st. Areas around the bases of trees must be free of sod, mulch, leaves & stones to ensure the health of the trees.
Guests must keep all firewood hidden from view with no more than ¼ cords per site.
Privacy areas between sites must be kept in a natural state with absolutely no storage space used there of any kind.
A maximum of 6 lawn ornaments per campsite is permitted.
Guests must notify Management & get approval before building or erecting anything on their site.
Guests are not allowed to attend local area brick & mortar schools (K-12).
However, homeschooling, cyber schooling, or online college classes are permitted.
Guests are not allowed to have their mail forwarded to our PO Box or business address.
However, occasional package deliveries are permitted.
Guests may have up to a maximum of two 100-Gallon propane tanks on their campsite. We do not fill propane here on the campground. It is the responsibility of the Guest to find & pay a company which can fill their propane tanks via a specialized service.
Outdoor Storage Boxes are allowed, so long as their size does not exceed the dimensions of: 60 Inches Long x 32 Inches Wide x 32 Inches Height. (See Website For Picture Examples)
The only constructive material permitted for these Outdoor Storage Boxes is plastic, a colored decorative textured plastic is ideal, but Rubbermaid is also acceptable. Definitely, nothing else is permitted, especially any kind of metal.
Maximum amount of all combined Equipment Allowed per 1 campsite(please note that the Campground reserves the right to approve all items and can create different rules as necessary):
(x1) RV(Site permitting)
(x1) Tent(Site permitting)
(x1) Vehicle not the RV
(x1) Screen Room/Screen Tent/’E-Z’ Up
(x1) Outdoor Storage Box (See our Monthly or Seasonal RV Site Reservations Article for more information)
(x1) Outdoor Table
(x6) Outdoor Chairs
(x6) Lawn Ornaments
(x2) 100-Gallon Propane Tanks
(x1) Fire Ring(Campground Provided Only)
(x1) Picnic Table(Campground Provided Only)
Ready To Begin? Click Here to go to the Monthly Page to Read About Booking as a Monthly first, before rolling over into a Seasonal after 2-Months.
The Site Number you book as a Monthly can be the same Site Number you stay on when you roll over into a Seasonal.
Which Sites Can I Take As A Seasonal?
Any site colored ORANGE on the Map below may be taken as a Seasonal site, if it is vacant.
You are allowed to accumulate your 2 Months as a Monthly to start off with on a different campsite than the one you ultimately choose/request for your Seasonal campsite, after the 2 Month period as a Monthly. Refer to our separate Monthly RV Site Page for site options which are available to choose from to be a Monthly on.
However, it is most typical, and the best option, to plan to book directly onto the campsite you want to be your Seasonal site from the very beginning as a Monthly.
It's also best to plan do this sometime during the In-Season, so the roll-over is more natural. However, the Monthly-To-Seasonal roll-over may be both started & finished all within the Off-Season, if the Guest chooses so.